Dating an undergrad girl

dating an undergrad girl › how-dating-in-grad-school-is-totally-different-than-d. I'm afraid an older guy would think an undergrad girl was too immature. Updates: +1 y. Just to let people know, I don't have any of the grad students for TA's. The Difference a Degree Makes: Dating Undergrads and Grad Students knows at least one girl who's been whizzed on by her drunk mate).

Sorry: Dating an undergrad girl

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Dating an undergrad girl 671
Dating an undergrad girl 394

Hitting on and getting hit on by undergrads

<p>Most universities have RULES about this sort of thing. At my university, for instance, TAs are NEVER supposed to get into relationships with students they supervise, tutor, or oversee in any way. The rule we have prohibits ANY person (faculty, staff, TA, RA, GA) from entering into a relationship with ANYONE either actually or potentially under their supervision.</p>

Your TA should have been slapped. By his supervisor. And then he should have lost his TAship. Period. If you had spoken to the Director of Graduate Studies or the Department Chair, he most likely would have.</p>

<p>I personally have a strong antipathy toward grad students who, due to their disregard of professional conduct and proper boundaries, end up being predatory on my undergrads.</p>

<p>And by the way, most grad programs ORIENT grad students to these rules immediately, so ignorance is no excuse.</p>


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