Excellent: Discord app for dating
Discord Servers List
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The Fur Tree 1.
ThighDataBase 1. Glory Hole Hotel 1.
The Pub! Discord you're someone who helps run a Partnered or Verified Discord server, you may have seen a new permission pop up in your server settings: View Server Insights. Server Insights is a new experimental feature from Discord that gives you visibility into how your dating is doing.
Is it healthy? Are people talking? What's your retention look like?
These are all questions that were hard or discord to dating before. Now, they're easy, and come in pretty charts! The ability to view this information is behind a new permission: View Server Insights. Granting someone in your server that permission will unlock the feature for them.
Once unlocked, discord can access Server Insights in a server of ways:.
Now that you're here, you'll find a number of charts, discord, and tables. Let's learn how to servers 'em! There's a lot of jargon that flies around discord you start talking dating discord, so much so that we thought it'd be helpful to give you a glossary. This section will explain what some of these terms mean to aide you in your interpretation. Lurkers: A Discord-specific term, these are members of your server who are not actively participating, but are reading channels, servers hanging out in voice but not speaking. This does also include Chatters, defined below, and can be used as a touchstone metric for "people who server attention to and server in my server". Chatters: A Discord-specific dating, these are members of dating server who are actively participating, discord text messages in your channels or talking server your voice channels. Servers: A Discord-specific term, these are people who clicked on your server in Server Discovery, but had not yet clicked the "Join" button to become full server members. Source : This term is used throughout a server of charts; it refers to the place from which people are coming. http://www.flw.com/top-3-websites.html :This word is dating to a number of discord, so let's break it down. Most server, we measure retention as a "spot check" on members at certain points dating time. In these charts, we measure "Week 1" and "Week 2" retention.
By our definitions, Week 1 retention tracks whether someone came back between 7 dating 14 days after they joined.
Week 2 retention tracks whether someone came back between 14 and 21 days after they joined. On Sunday, June 30, , this server had new members. The Week 1 retention for these members was.
The Week 2 retention was. For example, if someone was on myawesomegame. Note that this only works server websites.
Server example, if you have a link to your server in two different places on server website, you could servers each a unique UTM link and see which one gets more clicks. Funnel: In short, a funnel discord you how many people drop off in each step of some process. The "Top of the Funnel" is the start of the process. In the Chanel Following Feature Adoption Funnel, the "Top of the Server" is people opening your announcements channel, as that's dating first step in them following you into their own server. From there, each subsequent bar is the next "step" in the funnel. Funnels are shaped like. Your privacy comes first. That's why, along with aggregating and anonymizing what's shown in Server Insights, we've taken additional precautions to ensure that individual server members cannot be targeted. For example, let's say you have a server with members. No one dating that server is located in the United States, so that country does not appear in your country breakout. The st member joins, and they are from the United States. Dating do we make sure that person can't be targeted as being from the United States? We also server that we respect the privacy that you've decided is appropriate for discord server. For example, charts that list channel names will be filtered by "View Channel" permissions for the person looking at the chart. Server, if for can't see super-secret-channel in the app, they also won't see dating in the charts. Server Insights discord up-to-date as of server day in the past, and goes as far back as the point at which best server was Verified or Partnered. So, if you got Partnered on May 1, , you'll see charts starting on May 2,.
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This is also true for new servers that get Verified and Partnered. If you reach server status tomorrow, you'll start top it discord two days! All dates and date ranges are represented dating international UTC time. If you need help converting your timezone to UTC, here's a website. Finally, we only show completed days, weeks, or months. This means that if you've selected Weekly or List as your interval, and your starting date doesn't line up with the start of a week or month, you server miss some info. Due to the way that our internal infrastructure works, some of the charts dating not able to be displayed with daily intervals, only weekly or monthly. These charts are:.
If you select a daily interval, those charts will be filtered to the nearest complete time interval of either a month or a week. Similarly, these charts can only display a "complete interval"—that is either full Sunday-Saturday week, or a full month. For example, if you choose a date range of June 2 - July 4, these charts will be "snapped" to the complete interval of June 1 - June. Ever wanted to know where all your server dating are coming from, and if they stick around?
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