Dating as a nerdy black guy sucks

dating as a nerdy black guy sucks

Dec 6, 2017 - Explore alexking's board "Dating Memes" on Pinterest. white guys date black girls, when black guys date white girls Space ProgramGotta Catch Them AllSuper Funny MemesCouple RomanceNerd HumorFunny CouplesFunny Happy "Chances are, you're the reason someone thinks dating sucks.". Nerdy white girls won't date you for "reasons", nerdy black girls won't you either because of their experiences or misconceptions about black men, non nerdy Other people are telling you to lose weight or forget about dating altogether. many people like him. He was a black nerd and it confused a lot of people around him. “But being the black guy who's a geek made it weirder. “I got a lot of 'Hey, ninjaKid is pretty cool but he sucks at HALO LOL! -SP☆. dating as a nerdy black guy sucks

Pity, that: Dating as a nerdy black guy sucks

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Thread: Anyone else feel like dating pool totally sucks for black guys in america?

I mean seriously. I used to be cool with interracial dating, i still am if thats your choice, but i won't be doing it anymore. Had a girl call me "bubba" today. It was our first time ever hanging out and she calls me bubba. Then she doesn't understand why i get mad about it.

Seems like all the white/latina/asian girls don't even take black guys seriously. Like i'm a walking stereotype to them. And i notice that most of the girls who flirt with me? They have some kinda black guy fetish. I feel objectified brahs.

And the black girls are no better. They also have this stereotype in there head of what a black guy should be. And whats even worse is that the MAJORITY of black girls are walking stereotypes. Weaved hair, loud as phuck, and expecting to find a gangster whose gonna pay there way. Like lolwut? And the black girls who actually have some form of brains/ REAL HAIR (is that so much to ask) all date exclusively white/asian/poin dexter phags in sperries and polos with chinos hiked up to there belly button. And if you look even halfway intimidating they run the other way.

From now on i'm only dating Africans and Islanders. Might become muslim for the polygamy though.

And white brahs, don't you ever feel objectified by asian girls?

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