Unfit guy dating a fit girl

unfit guy dating a fit girl

In college she was a sorority girl and it appears she's more interested in with most Americans who are apathetic about being physically fit and healthy. My dating days are long over, but I think if a guy told me I "should" be. Why do guys who are unfit, chubby, and live unhealthily have unattainably high expectations of dating girls who have beautiful, fit bodies? “Class C. Men at present unfit for active service beyond the seas, but fit for service in “To a certain date a total of 135,282 men were examined with the following in Great Britain is such that when a boy or girl is leaving school, whether the. unfit guy dating a fit girl

Unfit guy dating a fit girl - congratulate

  1. Dating unfit people, does it affect your fitness routine??

    I didnt see this on any threads so I thought I would ask the question.

    I tend to date guys who are totally out of shape! I meet them and they tell me how much they want to get in shape, lose weight etc. So as all women do, I decide and can help them change

    Then it doesnt work! They still show up late at night with carne asada burritos, insist on ordering pizza because the chicken and veggies I made are not enough. I try to get them in the gym but they always have excuses.

    Then I see myself up with them eating the icecream, yes, I have no will power, lol.

    So then I want to break up over health reasons and it seem so wrong.

    Does anyone else ever experience this? I dream of dating a healthy fit guy that wants to come home and separate chicken breasts with me and hit the gym every morning before we start out day lol.

    Does this seem to shallow?

  2. I dont think it's shallow to have certain demands for your relationships.

    Caring about your body, what you put in it, and everything related to your fitness goals and routines is who you are. If the pic in your avi is you, then you know this.

    If someone doesn't respect who you are, and the demands you've set for yourself, then clearly that's the problem.

    However, if you're out there dating people with alcohol problems, and then expect them to change their ways because suddenly they're dating you, are you really surprised?

    now just replace alcoholism with "sheety health routines".

    Something is clearly wrong in your approach.
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  3. Originally Posted by beaucephus
    I've never dated anyone that was into fitness and yes, its always been a problem where an argument will arise over what kind of foods are left laying around. I'm the type that won't go out of my way to have a bunch of crap food in the house, but if its there, I will eat it. Women especially like starches (snack crackers, potato chips, etc..) and those are the bane of my existence. I can go through a bag of pretzels in a single sitting.

    So yeah, you're not alone. I've just decided to not date someone thats not into fitness. I know that greatly limits the options, but so be it.
    I agree, sometimes I think they are trying to purposely sabotage me. I say no junk the house, no sodas, chips, ice cream and then before you know. I am in bed with a box of oreos.

    Definitely limits us though! Especially in my age bracket!

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