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Bumble Bee
Control includes preventive measures as well as the use of insecticides. Proactive control measures include sealing openings (cracks, holes and gaps) in structures to deny bumble bees access. Occasionally, a new queen will use an old nest site to start a new nest. Closing the opening to an old nest can prevent reuse.
Источник: activities often bring humans into conflict with a nest. Unfortunately, there may be times when it is necessary to use lethal means to control bumble bees. As a health concern, some individuals have a severe allergic reaction to a sting. Along with honey bees, the insects are usually only destroyed if necessary for human safety. Both bees make large environmental contributions as pollinators.
Please contact the Vector Control Service District and consult with one of our Biologists before deciding to destroy a bumble bee nest. PLEASE NOTE: Insects inside buildings (walls, attics or foundations) are not serviced by the Districtand you are advised to call a professional pest management company.