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us black british women carry less of the baggage and attitude if u get what i mean :0 x ![]() |
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![]() Man i've lived in the south my whole life (Georgia to be exact) basically in Atlanta. And the women black and the rest down here are horrible. I have lived here my whole life but actually lived in the UK for a year and also Canada. And am looking to make a permanent move to another country most likely in Europe love London. The women here don't seem to really like men or care they lack enthusiasm about much, mean, uninteresting. I could go on and on about it. And I also don't think that the most beautiful women are here either, that is a myth. I have a cousin that came down here from New York lived here 2 years and says the same thing. Yeah as much as I hate to say it cause i've always respected our black women and I am a black man they are just on some whole other planet it seems. I would much rather get with a black woman from another country then African American Women. There is just no draw, no excitement. When I was off in the UK I dated black british women, and tons of other ethnicities in the UK and it was waaaaayyyy different. I had such a great time and even when I left they are like when you coming back actually were concerned it seems like they give a damn. American women in General espeically in the south are horrible and not sexy, seem uninterested, not really all that excited to be in the company of a man. And it shows, I think foreign women look better anyways to be honest much better. I don't think we here in the U.S. have the most beautiful women in the world. So that's my take but your right, American men especially black american men that live in the States that are good men are getting the shaft get a foreign chick of any race you want and call it a day..................... ![]() |
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Now, if you are in the majority (so White culture), does it really make you proud that such injustice existed against those who are a different race; your neighbors that are a different race? Are you "ok" with the fact that the civil rights movement (to get legal equality granted to Black people) occurred 100 years after slavery ended. You don't need to walk around with your head hung in shame, but you should keep your opinions to yourself if Black people want to gripe still -- even if it's a bit melodramatic. Because believe it or not, all it not "past", ok? So until you walk a mile in our shoes (or make some real attempts to learn about the Black experience in this country) , you have nooooo idea. Oh, and I have never in my life blamed White people for anything that has happened to me. I've also never heard anyone in my family (which is pretty big on both sides) do that either...so that's a myth. ![]() Back to the point of this thread...I have a lot of family that lives in the Caribbean; and a sprinkling in the UK, Europe and Canada. They complain just as much as my American family does. I think in public foreign countries have friendlier people on the street. When I was in Israel last year, I had people that I had just casually met on the street invite me over to the house for dinner. Same in Jamaica (where my Dad is from)...people are generally more mannerly. All races. So "boo" on this bad rep you guys are looking to dump on Black women. Jeez. ![]() |
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You cannot compare them just because of the color of their skin. It depends on their upbringing, education, individual personalities, individual quirks, attitudes, etc. ![]() |
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Not for nothing, but it seem as though society has an issue when a black person gripes about the injustice they've been served and are still being served yet they are totally understanding on what the Jewish people gripe about. If you expect blacks to get over it then you should expect the Jews to "get over it" as well. Nevertheless, they say you can't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoe. Though you yourself may not see the hidden or open injustice that blacks are being served, it still exists and won't go away over night. I don't agree that a person should continually gripe about what happened in the past; however sometimes when certain things happen you can't help but feel the hurt of yester years. Sometimes all it takes is a little nick of the skin to open old wounds and that happens daily. Still unjustifyingly, blacks should get over that crap that the "man" is keeping them down when in reality we are the only race who tend to do more harm to our own brothers and sisters. We degrade each other in our musics, the way we talk, we are envious of those who have made it in the corporate world, envious of those who come from other countries and has excelled over us, we kill each other daily with guns, drugs and tongue lashing, yet we complain that the man is keeping us back. I believe that we need to take a look at ourselves in a mirror and see who is really holding us back. As a holder of an MBA/HR TM and certification is finance and NACM, I dared not allowed anyone to hold me back, not the "man" not my jealoys black brothers and sisters, not ANYONE.....It is out there for the taking, you just have to change your attitudes and mentalities. When injustice happens and you know it has to do with your race, then pray for those ignorant fools because you are the better one, there is no way you can convince yourself that you are better if you continuously bring up the past. ![]() |
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Look at how those black in England vs black over here....you see a lot diff.. ![]() |
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OR, one could note that the singular constant in all of these interactions -- by your own admission -- is YOU. There's nothing wrong with being a person who desires something different from him/herself. HOWEVER, there is something wrong with twisting that desire into a weapon to be used against 7.6 million people whose only crime is being similar to yourself. Own your desire. Demonizing 7.6 million women solely because of their nationality is cruel, unfortunate, and deeply immature. Your desire has nothing to do with the 7.6 million women out there, and everything to do with YOU. The question, as it is currently posed, is bogus. The real question is, why do you find yourself drawn to black women of other nationalities? And, you answered that question: it is based on your own perceptions. There, question answered. Problem solved. Now, you can leave the 7.6 million women be. This has nothing to do with them, once again ... it is all about YOU. ![]() |
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But I think that they're happier than their all of their American counterparts (white, black, yellow, red, blue, etc). Not just black to black. It's a different world over there. Most Southern Africans don't derive their happiness from having a bigger house than others, or making more money. They know the true value of happiness lies in family and friends. So they try to make friends and peace with everyone. Everyone! LOVE AND PEACE! ![]() ![]() |
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You know sometimes I think both men and women are attracted to foreigners because they are different and exotic. Anyone I've know who has traveled, whether man or woman, say's "OMG those european guys/gals are so much hotter than american men/women" or whatever the case may be. It would be interesting to talk with a european who travelled the states to see what they thought of american men/women. I know for myself, I spent some time in Panama and those latinas... wooooo, is it hot in here? goo goo goo goo and I know they liked me too : ) ah... good times. ![]() |
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