Is robert sepulveda dating girls

is robert sepulveda dating girls

“Prince Charming” was Robert Sepulveda Jr. and the winner of the season ended up being Eric Leonardos. Recently, it seems, things have. So judging from that pic, he's dating girls now? —Anonymous. reply 9. 07/24/​2017. Um, the guys in that picture, they are both gay, are they not? —Anonymous​. Finding Prince Charming's Robert Sepulveda Jr. Confirms He Is Single and '​Might Start Dating Girls' (3 years ago). Gay Bachelor Robert Sepulveda Jr. Defends. is robert sepulveda dating girls

Robert Sepulveda Jr. Is Single and May Start Dating Women After ‘Finding Prince Charming’ (Video)

In a new video online, former Finding Prince Charming star Robert Sepulveda Jr. has admitted he is single and may start dating women in the future.

Damn. We know reality television can fuck with your mind, but so much so it turns you straight or bisexual? Now that is a plot twist.

The interior designer says in the video that was shared exclusively with Us: “I’m probably just going to start dating girls now, so hit me up on Instagram or Twitter and say ‘What’s up?’”

Sepulveda ended the show picking Eric Leonardos, a 35-year-old L.A.-based hairdresser. But Sepulveda says things with Leornardos are over.

“I can’t even go on a hike without people asking me about my relationship status,” he said. “Eric is a super, super sweet guy, but we’re not together and I’m completely, completely single.”

Sepulveda was the object of 13 suitors’ affection on the first season of Finding Prince Charming, a gay Bachelor style reality show on Logo. Sepulveda was in headlines not only for his good looks, but also for his past as an escort and for shady dealings concerning his non-profit in Atlanta.

With Finding Prince Charming’s finale long behind us, there are new gay reality shows littering the headlines like the next season of RuPaul’s Drag Race and Fire Island. Robert Sepulveda Jr. is obviously just thirsting for the spotlight still, trying to do whatever he can to make his fifteens minutes of fame last a bit longer.

“I have a lot of production companies that are interested in doing shows with me, so I’m going to focus on that and my pocketbook,” he says. “At the end of the day, nobody’s going to take care of me but me.”

Should be interesting to see what these “shows” are. We would love to see Sepulveda on the next series of Celebrity Rehab. His addiction? The fame, of course.

Watch the heterosexual confessions of Robert Sepulveda Jr. below:

Finding Prince Charming Robert Sepulveda Jr. Источник:

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